Working with Birth Parents and Visitation

Please submit a SEPARATE FORM for each person in your home completing this quiz. 

You must receive a passing score on this quiz to receive credit for this training.

Legal Name*

Do you have an Edison account?*
Date of Birth*

If you are a fully approved foster parent with the State of Tennessee, an Edison account will be created for you. The questions above will be used to create your account.

 If multiple people in your home need an Edison account, please ensure that you use a different email address for each individual completing this form.

Date of Training

Post Test

1. What are the key themes of the practice model?*
2. Visitation is:*
3. The three spheres of parenting are birth parent, caregiving parent, and legal parent.*
4. There are no potential challenges for foster parents working with birth parents.*
5. What are the key roles to "bridging the gap" with birth parents?*

Training Evaluation

How likely are you to use the information learned from this training?*
Do you think other foster parents will benefit from this training?*